Teachers’ Grading Calculator

This grading calculation was designed to help teachers with a quick and easy way to calculate grades without having to calculate by hand. If you’ve been doing this a while, it’s the same idea as the classic cardboard EZ-Graders that every teacher used to use, and some still do.

To create a grade chart, fill in the fields above and press Calculate.

Questions is the number of questions in your assignment

Out of is the final score, and will typically be 100 for a 100% assignment.

Step allows you to change the distance between questions. For example, if you want to get scores in half question increments you would enter 0.5 in step.

This calculator is also available over at Webby.tools where I’m going to be building more online tools.

Grading Calculator


You’re grading an assignment with 37 questions on a scale from 0-100%. Enter 37 in the questions field, 100 in the out of, and a step of 1. Click calculate and you’ll see that Bob who got 29 out of 37 correct scored a 78%.

Another assignment also has 37 questions and again out of 100%, but this time students can get half credit. Bob’s neighbor Sue gets 33.5 total questions correct. By changing step from 1 to 0.5 you can see that Sue made a 91%.

About this grading calculator

This particular page started because I needed a way to quickly score ComputerScience AP-A tests.For those that don’t teach AP, free response on the CS-APA exams are out of 9 points and used to be scored in half point increments (it’s just full points now). And I wanted a way to quickly map those scorings out of 100%.

To use the AP scoring as an example; questions would be 9, out of would be 100, and step would be 0.5.

If you’re feeling old school, Amazon still sells the EZ-Grader.

We also have a Linear Grade Distribution calculator and a Square Root Curve calculator.

Linear Grade Distribution

Linear Grade Distribution

This online grade curve calculator makes it a little easier to get your students' grades where you think they should be using a linear redistribution curve.

Square Root Curve

Square Root Curve

A square root, or Texas curve is a quick and easy way to help all students, but help the lower scores a little more

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