Textbook Free Response Solution

Free response 2 from the 2022 AP Computer Science exam has you working with a class named Book that contains information about a book, and a subclass Textbook that extends Book. You are given the complete Book class, but have to write Textbook from scratch.

Since a Textbook is a Book, it contains the same information but adds a few things. A Textbook also has an edition and a method named canSubstituteFor that determines if a textbook is a valid substitution for another textbook. We also have to override the getBookInfo method to include the edition.


We’ll need to look at the Book class even though we’re not changing anything in it.

public class Book {
	private String title;
	private double price;
	public Book(String bookTitle, double bookPrice) {
		// Implementation not shown
	public String getTitle() { return title; }
	public String getBookInfo() {
		return title + "-" + price;

We don’t need to worry too much about how these methods work, but since we’re creating a child class we do need to know what methods we have available from the parent.

Textbook Class

We weren’t given a shell for this class, so we’re starting with a blank page. That means we need to first define the class.

public class Textbook extends Book {

Since Textbook is inheriting from Book we need to have Textbook extend Book.


Next up is the constructor and any instance variables. We’re given the following two lines as examples.

Textbook bio2015 = new Textbook("Biology", 49.75, 2);
Textbook bio2019 = new Textbook("Biology", 39.75, 3); 

This gives us the information we need to implement the constructor and also what instance variables we need to add.

We know that we need a constructor that has parameters for a String, a double, and an int. The notes on the PDF tell us that the String is the title, the double is the price, and the int is the edition.

The title and price are going to be stored in the Book class. We don’t need instance variables for those. But we do need one for the edition. So let’s go ahead and add in the constructor and the one instance variable that Textbook needs.

public class Textbook extends Book {
	private int edition;

	public Textbook(String title, double price, int edition) {
		super(title, price);
		this.edition = edition; 

	public int getEdition() {
		return edition;

Notice that edition is private. Instance variables are almost always private and they’re always private on AP exams.

The first line in the constructor sets the instance variables that exist in Book by calling the Book constructor. Textbook is a child class or subclass of Book, which makes Book the parent class or super class of Textbook. So when we use super(title, price); that calls the constructor in Book for us.

It’s important that the super call comes first. If it didn’t, Java would add a super() call to a no argument constructor to Book, which doesn’t exist and our code wouldn’t build.

I also went ahead and added the getEdition method that’s described in the problem instructions.


Next up is the getBookInfo method which returns a string formatted like this - <book title>-<book price>-<book edition>.

The catch here is that we don’t have direct access to the title and price from within Textbook, so we have to ask the super class to give it to us. We could use the getTitle method that’s inherited to get the title, but we don’t have a way to get the price.

What we do have is a getBookInfo method in the parent that returns a string <book title>-<book price> which is almost what we want. But we need to override it to get exactly what we’re after.

public String getBookInfo() {
	return super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;

We want to call the getBookInfo in Book, but since we have an overridden version in Textbook we have to specifically call super.getBookInfo() for it to work.


And the last method is canSubstituteFor which compares two Textbook objects and determines if one can be substituted for the other. A valid substitution is one with the same title and an edition that’s greater than or equal to the other book.

public boolean canSubstituteFor(Textbook other) {
	return getTitle().equals(other.getTitle()) && edition >= other.getEdition();

We’re doing two things here. First, comparing the title of both this and other to see if they match. If they do we also check to see if this.edition is >= other.getEdition(). If both of those statements are true then the method returns true, otherwise it returns false.

The full class

And with all of those parts, here’s a full working Textbook class.

public class Textbook extends Book {
	private int edition;

	public Textbook(String title, double cost, int ed) {
		super(title, cost);
		edition = ed; 

	public int getEdition() {
		return edition;

	public String getBookInfo() {
		return super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;

	public boolean canSubstituteFor(Textbook other) {
		return getTitle().equals(other.getTitle()) && edition >= other.getEdition();
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